Colorado’s Recycled Aggregates Supplier

Welcome to Colorado Aggregate Recycling's blog page! Today we're focusing on why we consider ourselves to be Colorado's go-to experts in recycled aggregates. First, Colorado Aggregate Recycling is a recycled aggregates supplier, located in Golden, Colorado. In a nutshell, we provide recycled concrete & asphalt materials (that we recycle ourselves) for purchase. To learn more about the products we offer and our additional services, keep on reading!

For product pricing  CLICK HERE.

Your Local Disposal Site

CAR is also a disposal site, where we take used concrete & asphalt rubble/debris from our customers. Our yard is conveniently located at the Golden, CO landfill, near multiple Denver-area cities. We serve businesses, contractors, & homeowners in many areas, including: Golden, Denver, Boulder, Arvada, Lafayette and Wheat Ridge. Not to mention, we also provide FREE dumping for customers with clean loads. Follow the link below to learn about our dump fees and disposal guidelines...or just keep on reading (we'll get to all those details).

For dump fees CLICK HERE.

Colorado Aggregate Recycling does not purchase any concrete or asphalt material. We accept loads for dumping that contain the following materials:

  1. Asphalt rubble. Clean loads must be free of concrete with < 10% road base.
  2. Concrete rubble with or without steel, wire mesh, or rebar. Clean loads must be free of asphalt and metals with < 10% roadbase.
  3. Cinder Block (CMU), Concrete Roofing Tiles, and Brick with or without nails or metal.
  4. Concrete Washout, Boring Mud with water, Top Soil and/or Fill Dirt.

All loads are subject to inspection prior to dumping. Any load dumped without authorization and/or an inspection, will be charged a non- inspection dump fee of $100.

We reserve the right to refuse any load, for any reason, in our sole and absolute discretion. We consider any load containing plastic, trash, wood, sod, excessive dirt, asphalt shingles, insulated wire, drywall, insulation, fabric, medical waste, or other foreign or hazardous materials to be contaminated. Contaminated loads are not acceptable for dumping and will be rejected. Customers are responsible for the cost of remediation and disposal of any contaminants buried in their dumped loads not identified during inspection.

Clean means only concrete or asphalt, not mixed together in the same load. The load must be without contamination, wire mesh, rebar, metal, steel, brick, or excessive road base. Excessive road base is considered to be > 10% of the load.

Dumping of hazardous or illegal waste is strictly prohibited. Any Customer caught dumping hazardous or illegal waste will be held liable for all costs associated with remediation, disposal, penalties, fines, attorney fees, and any other related expenses


Golden’s Aggregate Recycling Center

As previously mentioned, we function as a recycling center for aggregates. Long story short, Colorado Aggregate Recycling takes your used concrete or asphalt materials and we turn them in to high quality, recycled aggregates. We utilize our own heavy crushing equipment to crush those used concrete and asphalt chunks. Many crushing sites, like ours, have hoppers to receive the material, jaws to break down the pieces, impact crushers to continue crushing the material, and screens to sort the material. Conveyor belts with magnets are also utilized to take out metal contaminations (ex: rebar), ensuring the recycled aggregates meet industry standards. Our products are great for use in roadbeds, drainage projects, landscaping and much more!

Regularly Stocked Products*

  • 3/4″ minus, CDOT CL6 Road Base
  • 1″ minus, CDOT CL5 Road Base
  • 2″ – 4″ Screened Concrete
  • Concrete Rip-Rap
  • Jaw Run 6″ Minus

*Please call to inquire about pricing, availability, and custom orders.
(720) 602-0202

*Aggregate products are recycled concrete or asphalt.
*Cash accounts are paid daily upon pickup.
*Prices quoted are per ton. *All products are subject to availability.
*Minimum load charge of $25.00
*Prices quoted exclude taxes and delivery.


Colorado Aggregate Recycling – Golden, CO

Next Steps…

Have more questions? Give us a call at (720) 602-0202 or visit our home page for all more info. Visit Colorado Aggregate Recycling Online.